Looks like the other one and a half endings are finished, too! All that's left to do is editing the rest of the script (which will be done on ... suitably .... Monday!) and draw the rest of the art. I'm currently working my ass off doing the latter. I'm not making masterpieces, since I don't want to work another year on this, but I hope they will still look pleasing enough.

If I had to hire someone to draw all that stuff, I'd probably need to do a Kickstarter.... :P I tried to be economical with using background and sprite art. But I didn't want to be "cheap" and save in the wrong places. After all, VNs are basically image slideshows with some music and text (stop booing me, I'm right). So that's probably the elements you should go all out on (within reason).

Some of the stuff I'm drawing is definitely crappier than some, and it most definitely shows in the art that appears in the very beginning of the game. Those were more or less images from the "proof-of-concept" phase, and I might have to redo them.

While I wait for the editor to be free, I fed what we had finished already into Ren'Py, and it feels soooo good to be able to actually play through the game. Lots of placeholder images still, but it's coming together, you know? It was great fun to mess with the credits scene, too. Debating whether I should abandon my idea of a German translation of the game, release it as a "DLC" later on, or go through with it...

In any case, I think I can finish the game this year. I'm really looking forward to the release.


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